Calendar 2012
With this calendar project I took on a few challenges. The first one being the color palette. I am use to using several colors from various tints and hues of any one color. For this one I limited it to only a specific red, green, yellow, brown, blue, black and white. My second challenge was using Illustrator to create all of my own images. It took patience, the shapes tool and pen tool to create the images that would fit with what I had invisioned. Another challenging aspect of this calendar was typography. Each month I wanted to have a different typeface that starts with the same letter as the month I used it for. It was a bit of a challenge for some months, particularly months that start with J since there are 3 months that happen to start with that letter. Despite these challenges, I created a calendar that I like enough to print and share with all the members of my family.
Calendar 2012

Calendar 2012

A Calendar that I created for 2012
